Model Animal Genetics Group

Model Animal Genetics Group - Detailed

Last modified: 13. July 2022

The Model Animal Genetics Group aims to develop and apply modern animal biotechnology procedures to support basic and translational research goals.

The aim of the group is to create genetically modified model animals (mouse, rabbit) and to provide a technological basis for precision breeding with the help of developments in the field of genome editing in different animal species. In addition to the CRISPR / Cas9 system, we also create animal models using transposon-based transgenesis and traditional gene delivery methods for basic research purposes.

Bioinformatics tools are used to study the distribution of mitochondrial DNA sequences (numt) wedged into the nuclear genome in mammalian genomes. We also work with the comparative analysis of mouse genomes and the study of the numt composition of different mammalian genomes.

Left displacement of abomasum is a disease that occurs a few percent of dairy cattle farms can be traced not only to feeding but also to genetic causes, which can be better understood using biotechnological methods. The Model Animal Genetics Group examines genetic changes in the development and course of bovine LDA using genomic and molecular biological methods.
The Model Animal Genetics Group supports the study of hybridization and sex shift into different frog species, which are sensitive indicators of climate change, using molecular biological methods. With the help of the QPCR HRM method, we managed to set up a system where we can easily study the sex shift in the case of the forest frog, and we can map the process of hybridization of the Yellow and Red-bellied toad using molecular biological methods.

Our work supported by NKFIH OTKA FK 124708, New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (ÚNKP-21-5) and Agribiotechnology and precision breeding for food security RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-0000 7, NTP-NFTÖ-21-B-0127 scholarship, János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.