Department of Animal Biotechnology - Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology
Department of Animal Biotechnology
Department of Animal Biotechnology
Last modified: 13. July 2022
The Department of Animal Biotechnology was established in February 2021. The department consists of four research groups. Animal biotechnology research in the department is carried out with the active collaboration of the research groups. The aim of the work is to adapt and apply the latest animal biotechnology research methods, considering the needs of Hungary. The head of the department is Dr. Elen Gócza, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Elen Gócza
head of department, group leader Phone: +36-28/430-494 Fax: +36-28/430-494 Office: MATE GBI Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi A. str. 4., I. floor, 155.
Applied Embryology and Stem Cell Biology Group
Applied Embryology and Stem Cell Biology Group
The head of the Applied Embryology and Stem Cell Biology Group is Dr. Elen Gócza. The main task of the group is the molecular biological characterization of mouse, rabbit, porcine and avian embryos, and the generation of stem cell lines from them. In 2017, the group joined to the GÉNNET project, which aimed to establish a poultry gene bank based on the primordial stem cells (PGC) of indigenous Hungarian chicken, guinea fowl and goose breeds. The established PGC lines were characterized, and the in vitro and in vivo developmental potential of the cells was examined before freezing. Another interest of the group is investigating the effect of mycotoxins on the development of chicken and rabbit embryos and the effect of microplastics in rabbits’ health. In 2020, the group joined the NETPOULSAFE (H2020) project, which aims to improve biosecurity standards on poultry farms.
The head of the Precision Breeding Group is Dr. Lilla Bodrogi. The group research focus is applied and basic research in the field of animal biotechnology. Based on state-of-the-art genome editing techniques and genomics approaches we create translational animal models of human disorders and for biotechnology purposes as well. The group represents a special segment of agricultural research providing high value animal models for non-food purposes. Recent projects involve rabbit models of heart and cardiovascular diseases and mouse model of autism. Development of genetic, genomic and biotechnology approaches directly supports agricultural purposes. They have continuous cooperations with national and international partners.
Reproductive Biology and Toxicology Group
Reproductive Biology and Toxicology Group
The head of the Reproductive Biology and Toxicology Group is Zsuzsanna Szőke. The group was established in January 2019, the groups’ major focus is investigating the effect of relevant endocrine disruptors on reproductive biology, as well as the development of related/necessary methodology: e.g. immunoassays, detection systems based on bacterial inhibition (BI) and development of primarily IgY binding agents. The BI test system for antibiotic detection in honey, developed by the group is considered as one of the „Top 100 Hungarian Innovations”. The main task of the group is the analyses of mycotoxins in animal tissues and organs. With support from the Ministry of Agriculture the group joined a project to investigate the etiology of deer antler disease. Parallel to this, the measurement of mycotoxins, metabolites and/or steroids from farm animals (poultry, rabbit, African catfish, carps and pigs) is an ongoing project.